
XML Document Type Definition File

<!-- URL: 
 *   DTD Name:      -//L5 Software//DTD TodaysNews article//en
 *   Placed in the public domain, 1999, by L5 Software Development
 *   Purpose:       TodaysNews news article XML Document Type Definition
 *   Last Modified: September 27, 2000 @ 11:58 pm
 *   Version:       00.93
 *   Author:        Fred Koschara
 *   Creation Date: April twentieth, 1999
 *   Maintainer:    L5 Software Development
 *                  c/o 6781 NY State Rt 63
 *                  Mt. Morris, New York 14510
 *                  United States of America, Planet Earth, System Sol
<!ENTITY % Date "(
    WkDay?,                     <!-- weekday name, or index string:Sunday==0 -->
    Month,                      <!-- month name, or number string:January==1 -->
    MonDay,                     <!-- day of the month -->
    Year,                       <!-- 4-digit year -->
    (   (Hr12,                  <!-- hour, 12-hour clock -->
         AmPm) |                <!-- before or after midday -->
        Hr24                    <!-- hour, 24-hour clock -->
    Minute,                     <!-- minutes past the hour -->
    TimeZone?,                  <!-- time zone identifier -->
    DST? )" >                   <!-- "true"==Daylight savings time in effect -->
<!-- *********** article root element ************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT Article (
    Generator,                  <!-- program used to create the article -->
    Version,                    <!-- version identifier for Generator -->
    Copyright?,                 <!-- article copyright holder -->
    Creator,                    <!-- userID of original entering operator -->
    Created,                    <!-- date/time article was created -->
    Modified,                   <!-- date/time article was last modified -->
        Title,                  <!-- article title -->
        Subtitle?               <!-- article subtitle -->
    Byline*,                    <!-- author's name(s) -->
    Location*,                  <!-- event location -->
    Source*,                    <!-- source document -->
    Wire*,                      <!-- wire service (source) -->
    Section+ )>                 <!-- article data -->
<!-- *********** non-elemental children ************************************ -->
<!ELEMENT Image (
    iSource,                    <!-- image source URL -->
    iType?,                     <!-- image type identifier -->
    iAlt?,                      <!-- alternate string -->
    iCaption? )>                <!-- caption for the image -->
<!ELEMENT Quote (
    Text,                       <!-- quoted text -->
    qSource )>                  <!-- quote source (speaker) -->
    rSource,                    <!-- reference source URL -->
    rText,                      <!-- displayed link text for URL -->
    Text )>                     <!-- additional descriptive text -->
<!ELEMENT Section (
    Subhead?,                   <!-- section subheading -->
    (   Text |                  <!-- section text -->
        Image |                 <!-- embedded image -->
        Ref |                   <!-- external reference -->
        Sidebar |               <!-- sidebar -->
        Quote                   <!-- quoted text -->
    )+ )>                       <!-- one or more child elements per section -->
<!ELEMENT Sidebar (
    Subhead?,                   <!-- sidebar title -->
    Text,                       <!-- sidebar text -->
    Initials* )>                <!-- sidebar author(s) initials -->
<!ELEMENT Source (
    srcDoc,                     <!-- source document identifier -->
    srcDate?,                   <!-- source document (publication) date -->
    Text )>                     <!-- additional descriptive text -->
<!-- *********** pseudo-elemental children ********************************* -->
<!ELEMENT Created %Date>        <!-- date/time article was created -->
<!ELEMENT Modified %Date>       <!-- date/time article was last modified -->
<!ELEMENT srcDate? %Date>       <!-- source document (publication) date -->
<!-- *********** elemental children with attribute requirements ************ -->
<!ELEMENT AmPm EMPTY>           <!-- "am"==before noon, "pm"==after noon -->
<!ATTLIST AmPm value (am | pm) #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT Creator EMPTY>        <!-- userID of original entering operator -->
<!ELEMENT DST EMPTY>            <!-- "true"==Daylight savings time in effect -->
<!ATTLIST DST inEffect (true | false) "false">
<!ELEMENT Generator EMPTY>      <!-- program used to create the article -->
<!ELEMENT Version EMPTY>        <!-- version identifier for Generator -->
<!-- *********** simple elemental children ********************************* -->
<!ELEMENT Byline (#PCDATA)>     <!-- article author -->
<!ELEMENT Copyright (#PCDATA)>  <!-- copyright holder -->
<!ELEMENT Hr12 (#PCDATA)>       <!-- hour, 12-hour clock -->
<!ELEMENT Hr24 (#PCDATA)>       <!-- hour, 24-hour clock -->
<!ELEMENT Initials (#PCDATA)>   <!-- sidebar author(s) initials -->
<!ELEMENT iAlt (#PCDATA)>       <!-- alternate string -->
<!ELEMENT iCaption (#PCDATA)>   <!-- caption for the image -->
<!ELEMENT iSource (#PCDATA)>    <!-- image source URL -->
<!ELEMENT iType (#PCDATA)>      <!-- image type identifier -->
<!ELEMENT Location (#PCDATA)>   <!-- event location -->
<!ELEMENT Minute (#PCDATA)>     <!-- minutes past the hour -->
<!ELEMENT MonDay (#PCDATA)>     <!-- day of the month -->
<!ELEMENT Month (#PCDATA)>      <!-- month name, or number string:January==1 -->
<!ELEMENT qSource (#PCDATA)>    <!-- quote source (speaker) -->
<!ELEMENT rSource (#PCDATA)>    <!-- reference source URL -->
<!ELEMENT rText (#PCDATA)>      <!-- displayed link text for URL -->
<!ELEMENT srcDate (#PCDATA)>    <!-- source document (publication) date -->
<!ELEMENT srcDoc (#PCDATA)>     <!-- source document identifier -->
<!ELEMENT Subhead (#PCDATA)>    <!-- section subheading, sidebar title -->
<!ELEMENT Subtitle (#PCDATA)>   <!-- article subtitle -->
<!ELEMENT Text (#PCDATA)>       <!-- arbitrary text -->
<!ELEMENT TimeZone (#PCDATA)>   <!-- time zone identifier -->
<!ELEMENT Title (#PCDATA)>      <!-- article title -->
<!ELEMENT Wire (#PCDATA)>       <!-- wire service (source) -->
<!ELEMENT WkDay (#PCDATA)>      <!-- weekday name, or index string:Sunday==0 -->
<!ELEMENT Year (#PCDATA)>       <!-- 4-digit year -->
<!-- *********** EOF: ***** -->

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TodaysNewsTM XML Document Type Definition / Webmaster / Last modified February 23, 2003 @ 9:33 pm
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