Keyword Access System
KeywordGoTM is a CGI program for providing keyword access to frequently visited, important, noteworthy, and/or popular pages on Web sites. When a visitor accesses the program without specifying a keyword, they are presented with a table of the options available to them. If they supply a valid keyword, the program sends them directly to the desired page. If an invalid keyword is detected, the valid keyword table is presented, with a message saying an unknown keyword was used. The error message includes the invalid entry, allowing them to examine it for spelling errors.
For more information about the KeywordGoTM CGI program, feel free to use our information request form. To obtain a copy for use on your Web site, please fill out the license agreement form and proceed to the payment options page.
Keywords can be any combination of letters, numbers, underbars ('_') and hyphens ('-'). Keywords are also not case sensitive. This allows you to present your keywords as, for example, aMemorableKeyword, while allowing a relaxed surfer to enter amemorablekeyword and have their entry recognized.
KeywordGoTM can be configured to work either with frames or without. In non-frame environments, no special configuration is necessary. To work in a frames environment, you must have server side includes (SSI) enabled and be running Apache 1.2 or later. Your root frameset page must also be an .shtml (SSI-interpreted) page with specialized commands added, which we will assist you with. If your root frameset page is not already an .shtml page, you can copy your existing one and modify it to have KeywordGoTM work correctly.
For a live demonstration of KeywordGoTM on a non-frame site, click here. You can also see the program in use on a frames-based site by clicking here.
KeywordGoTM's operation is controlled by a small configuration file. The file defines the site name and URL, the keyword list file(s) to read, and whether frames are in use or not.
KeywordGoTM currently reads a single keyword list file to determine if your visitor has supplied a valid keyword, or if the list of keywords should be displayed. The keyword list specifies the keyword itself, the target URL where the visitor would be directed, and a description of the target page. Target URLs can be specified either on your own site, or anywhere on the Internet, as you wish.
KeywordGoTM has been tested on Apache Web servers. It has been built for Linux and BSD Unix on Intel platforms. We will happily compile it on other operating systems when requested. Please contact us for details.
KeywordGoTM does not seem to work properly on Microsoft Web servers. This appears to be because of problems in passing parameters to CGI programs. We are investigating the issue.
For more information about the KeywordGoTM CGI program, feel free to use our information request form. To obtain a copy for use on your Web site, please fill out the license agreement form and proceed to the payment options page.
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