L5 Software and FKETM Code Libraries Home Page
The following libraries are or have been under development, or are currently
in use in our products:
- Global - Headers not specific to one library
- ChrWndow - Character-mode window functions
- Command - Command Interpreter library
- DOS_IF - DOS interface
- EditFlds - Editfield functions
- FKEClkFn - FKE-clk-/Spkr interface
- FKEdBase - dBase-to-C conversion
- FKEEBTFn - Essential b-Tree library interface
- FKEmenus - Character mode pop-up and pull-down menus
- FuncKeys - Function key processing
- General - General-purpose routines
- GIFtools - GIF image file interface
- Help_Sys - Help compiler system for console-mode applications
- ImgTools - Image processing tools
- IniFile - Program initialization/parameter file interface
- L5bClass - Abstract base classes used to define core functionality in L5 Software component code libraries
- Math - Mathematical operations
- Memory - Memory management and status routines
- Mouse - Mouse interface routines
- MulTask - Intra-application multi-tasking
- NetBIOS - NetBIOS interface
- NTIO - 32-bit Windows (NT, et al) screen I/O
- PCIO - 16-bit PC screen I/O routines
- Printer - Printer interface
- ProgData - Program identification data system
- Sounds - Speaker interface and sound generation functions
- Strings - String handling and manipulation routines
- Text_Sqz - Text compression
- TGAtools - Targa image interface
- Trees - Binary tree routines
- w32Tools - Routines and classes for building MS Windows applications
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Last modified December 8, 2002 @ 10:13 am
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